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Which is The Most Widely Used English Letter

We read many webpages, story books, novels, articles, news papers everyday. But can you say which is the most used English Letter or which English Letter has the maximum frequency of use.

I thought the same question and started searching in Google. Got the page on Wikipedia.. Wikipedia says the frequency of English letter according to usage is E, T, A, O, I, N, S, H, R, D, L, C, U, M, W, F, G, Y, P, B, V, K, J, X, Q, Z. This sequence is in descending order. That means E is the highest used letter and Z being the lowest.

But as you know, I am not satisfied with the list. I want to prove it. I started writing a weird program for scanning a paragraph which will finally give you a report about the count of each letter used in that particular paragraph.

What is this ?

  • Copy a paragraph from any webpage and paste in the above text area.
  • Then simply press the buttons to generate the report.
  • I think you better understand the functionality both the buttons, I don't want to waste my time and yours as well.

What Conclusion I got ?

  • Copy a paragraph from any webpage and paste in the above text area.
  • Now I believe that what Wikipedia has said was absolutely correct.

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